On this podcast episode, I have my friend and fellow coach, Leanne Lopez Mosley. Leanne is a female entrepreneur and business strategist. And over the past decade, she has helped women and businesses all over the world improve both their productivity and their results. She is the productivity queen. And she created the Productivity Queen Academy and coaching programs, and through those, she empowers women to be, do, and have it all without compromise. You’re going to love her.
She’s so real. She’s so authentic. And today, we talk about a lot of different things. Leanne, like me, is a corporate dropout who is now a badass coach and a business owner. So she’s coaching, and she’s doing consulting. She talks about taking really messy action and her business and how she actually created the business. And then we’ve talked for a while about how niching down has really helped her gain traffic and success.
Guys, this is something I talk about all the time. It’s all about the niches. The riches are in the motherfucking niches. We get scared to niche down, which is something that Leanne and I talked about today, but it’s in niching down that we can actually serve our people and serve them well instead of trying to serve every single person on the planet because we can’t effectively market to every single person on the planet. So Leanne talks a lot about how she got very specific and also because she is the productivity queen. She gives her tips on productivity. So I’m so excited for you guys to listen to this episode. I hope you love this episode.
Regina: Hello, everybody. Welcome back to another episode of all the things podcast. I’m your guest. I’m your host, Regina Lawrence. And today, we have a very special guest, very much like me. Leanne is a former corporate woman turned coach. And I love to have people who are corporate dropouts come on the show and share with you what their journey was and share the truth of what it’s going from being in that structured corporate environment to being your own boss, owning your own business, and having your own coaching practice. So welcome, Leanne. I’m so happy to have you on the podcast!
LEANNE: Thank you so much for having me. Oh, my God, I love that corporate dropout. That’s amazing!
REGINA: I know. So Leanne and I met last year at a women’s self-development and business event. And as soon as I saw her, she stood up and started talking at the beginning of the first day, and I was out of who she is. But I need to meet and know this woman. And we were able to connect and chat and become long-distance friends from meeting at that event. When I met you at that event, were you still working full time?
LEANNE: Oh, yeah, I had no business then. I still was working my full-time corporate gig. My gosh!
REGINA: What were you doing in corporate America before you dropped out?
LEANNE: I spent 10 years working in the grocery industry as a corporate executive in multiple different roles. But as a director of operations when I was in Arizona, that was when I was in my director of operations role on the east coast of the states. So very different to now.
REGINA: What made you want to make the pivot and shift out of that?
LEANNE: I’d spent ten years, as you can tell. I’m not from the States. I’m from England. So I’d kind of grown up in England, I’d taken on this massive corporate job where as soon as I graduated out of university, and for ten years, I had the privilege of traveling internationally and leading massive teams to huge success. I had my son two and a half years ago, and I moved back to the states to South Florida four weeks before he was born. It was a massive life-changing thing for me as somebody that was so much of my self-worth and identity had been wrapped up in being this corporate high-flying executive, all of a sudden, it was a very eye-opening experience becoming a mom and having to change diapers and breastfeed and, all the things. Obviously, I love my son dearly, but I found that transition from being that cool, exact woman and then to becoming a mother very difficult. And I did a lot of soul searching during that time. And I think having Bo gave me an opportunity to think about, “Do I want to keep working kind of 14–16-hour corporate workdays? How am I going to do that with a tiny human at home?” And I was lucky that I took English maternity leave. So I had a bit of time to kind of figure that out. So it was whilst I was on maternity leave, I started to think about what it is that wanting to work for myself of what that would look like. And that had many iterations, from an interior design company to a kid’s clothing online business. As you do, you kind of go through all those questions like “What do I love? What am I good at? What do I love about fashion? Maybe I should start my own fashion brands?” And yeah, it was a process, but that was what cued me into, listening into that intuition in my belly of what is it I want to do? And I knew I wanted to work for myself. I just didn’t know what it looked like.
REGINA: So something that you said was your identity and your worth was tied up in that corporate job in that corporate title? I identify with that because when I was in practice, and I started to think about leaving, I was like, “but this is who I am.” What type of work went into really shifting your mindset around your identity and your worth?
LEANNE: Oh, massive work, obviously the personal development event that we went to where we met, and that was a big part of that. It was when actually when I had Bo I started listening to loads of podcasts, a lot of Tony Robbins, I started reading a ton of personal development books, I started consuming a lot of things that made me start to question my kind of self-worth and how I felt about it. To be honest, a big part of it was when my husband told me to start my own business, and he was the one that was like, “Why are you getting into the corporate job when you actually did get into the corporate job after you had Bo? Why are you getting into the corporate job when you should absolutely work for yourself?” “You are brilliant. Why would you not do it?” And I said, “Well, how would I do it?” How do I start a business? I don’t know how to start a business,” and he was like, “Leann, like come on, you have done everything. You’ve traveled internationally; you’ve moved to a new country at the drop of a hat, you definitely can start your own business”. And I started to lean into why am I resisting this so hard? And I really realized that my corporate gig and being in my friendship group, I was always successful, and my parents were so proud of me when I got this job, I started to realize, Okay, I see what’s happening here is so much of my self-worth and identity is wrapped up in that employee mindset. Being a CEO, that was my biggest goal was I want to be the CEO of a business. And I didn’t realize it was of my own business at the time because I thought the epitome of success was being a CEO in a big corporate company.
REGINA: Your husband’s fucking awesome.
LEANNE: Yeah, he’s badass. He’s amazing. He just has the most innate sense of self-worth. And he just believes wholeheartedly that everything in anything is possible. I remember when we met, we were both living in the States, and he’s American. And I was being sent back to England make it sound I’m going to jail but sent back to England for a promotion, which I kind of knew was coming. And it was a really big deal. And I said, “How are we going to do this? How are we going to make this work?” And within four weeks of me moving back to England, he had quit his job, sign up through an MBA, and in England, got funding through the fact that he was a veteran, sorted everything out. He is not fazed by anything. And he is oxygen for me. Because whenever I have those moments of, can I do this? I don’t know if I can do this. He is the one that will pick me up off the floor and be like, “You have a billion percent got this.” And I’m like, “Yeah, you’re right.” So he’s a big part of my success story.
REGINA: Yeah. And it’s beautiful because you can borrow his belief in you because he just found so much.
LEANNE: Yes. And that’s the thing. He is my biggest cheerleader. Like I’ve always said that about him. And you’re right; borrowing that belief when I’m having my days of self-doubt or lack of belief borrowing it from him is what keeps me going. So that’s definitely an important piece for me.
REGINA: Was that an easy, simple transition to go from being this high-power woman in corporate America to starting your own business?
LEANNE: No, it was not easy remotely. And actually, I had a push off the ledge because the cool for the business that I was working for, my goal was to leave that corporate job by the end of this year. So by December 2020, I was going to leave my corporate job. And in the meantime, I was going to see my six-figure salary as an investment vehicle in my business. So I started realizing that I wanted a coaching business. I started working on that at the start of this year. Well, at the end of February, right before COVID kind of became a thing. The company I was working for was trying to sell leather, they were owned by a private equity group, and they were trying to sell the business. Well, after three failed attempts of selling the business, they decided to liquidate the business. So I went from being a multiple six-figure earner on the Friday to being you have two weeks, and the business is closing. So I kind of saw it and realized that I really wanted to go in on myself because, actually, that news excited me. This is exactly what I needed. And I’m not sure I would have made that jump had I not had a good shot from the universe. But that came with its own set of challenges because within two weeks; my income has stopped. So, that’s a very sobering experience when you’re used to pulling in 10,12 grand a month. And there were definitely moments of I don’t know how I’m going to do this. So it definitely wasn’t easy.
REGINA: What are the things that you did that helped you push through to creating the business?
LEANNE: Yeah, so the biggest things where I had made, thankfully, good decisions by going to that event in October and I had met and become friends with amazing entrepreneurial women like you. So that when that happened, I needed to kind of escalate my business, and I’ve gone, I had no email list. I had, I think, 300 followers on Instagram. It’s not like I had this following of people. I kind of called in the troops, if you will. And I call the women in my life and the entrepreneurial women in my life. And I was like, “How do I do this? Where do I start? What should I do?” And thankfully, I kind of put together a plan. And I just started taking immediate action. I’m somebody that thrives in crisis, and it felt a little bit like a crisis. So I just jumped straight into it and said, well, now’s the time, I’ve been, I’ve been doing events for women. And I’ve been doing coaching a little bit here and there one on one. But obviously, with working a full-time job and having a two-year-old, that was not super easy. So I literally just did my due diligence and looked around me and thought, who do I know? And who has been working with me? And how can I serve them at a higher level? And I just jumped straight into one-on-one coaching. And that’s kind of how I started to replace my income.
REGINA: And when you went into one-on-one coaching, what was your focus at the start?
LEANNE: My focus was just showing up and trying to help people. I had a wide variety of different clients in different areas of struggle. It was not niched, it was not perfect, it was Lord knows it was not pretty. And when I watched back those calls, now I kind of I do kind of cringe—I kind of going through the process of talking too much at people not asking enough questions. And now, when I look back, I think, no wonder I found one on one coaching so exhausting because I was the one that just spent an hour pouring into people rather than sitting back and really using my ears and listening and letting people kind of unload. So yeah, it was a really big transition coupled with we were talking about a lot of my identity was so wrapped up in those corporate roles, I was going through all of those struggles and then layer in COVID, it was, boom, boom, boom, every challenge that could come up me did. But thankfully, at the time, I started getting approached to do some consulting work for a few businesses, which helped me kind of be able to bridge the gap work virtually and take on a few different consulting roles. Whilst I really kind of got clear on what is my niche? Who am I really helping here? Because I didn’t just want a one-on-one coach random woman, as much as I loved it, and helping people is great, but you can’t really have a big impact if you’re not really focused on what it is that you’re trying to do.
REGINA: What was the thing that you ultimately decided, like your passion, that you wanted to help people do?
LEANNE: I went through all of the different exercises. I worked with a couple of different people to do a few different courses on really nailing down what my niche was and who I was trying to help. I did the age-old entrepreneurial thing where I want to help women everywhere, everybody, and every coach that I worked with, you have to pick a niche. It’s so important. Everyone I listened to is saying, “Pick a goddamn niche!”. And I resisted it so much. And I also wasn’t sure. II think I’m a mindset coach. I think I’m a mindset coach, and then a mindset didn’t resonate with me, and I was at why is it not resonating? And I just did the work. I’ll be honest. I went through every question that you can find online about how to identify your niche and every course I could find. And I realized quickly when I started thinking about what my zones of genius are, is one of the biggest questions I get asked, especially by mums, is “How do you make everything look so easy?”, everyone has always asked, “How are you a great mom? How do you cook? How do you run a business at the same time be a corporate executive?” all my staff used to ask me “You’re always so high energy, how do you do it?” And I realized that actually, my niche was just that. I had learned over 10 years of working for very efficient, very productive businesses, and having to lead massive teams, how to be a very highly productive individual. And that is where the name the productivity Queen came from, as well. A couple of my friends coined me. And that’s why I realized that’s what my business is, is teaching women, especially female entrepreneurs, especially female entrepreneur mums, how to own their time, how to leverage it, how to be done, and have everything they want without compromise.
REGINA: Something I love about what you just said is that you basically were like, “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. But I’ll rise. I take messy fucking action and serve and serve, and we’re just going to figure it out as we go.”
LEANNE: Yeah, and that’s the thing I left. I remember leaving Arizona last year and thinking, “I’m just going to start showing up on my Instagram stories,” and that’s exactly what I did. And then, all of a sudden, people would give me feedback that I love watching your stuff. It’s so motivating, and I took action, and it was messy, and some of the videos and the coaching calls that I listened to I’m like, “Oh god!” and I cringe, but it’s every failure served me massively every piece of feedback was great, whether it be good, bad, or indifferent. It was just a great process. You have to just start, and I’ve heard that everywhere. Just do the thing. We all hear all the buzzwords all over the internet. But the reality is that those words it’s frickin true. You have to just start taking action as ugly or pretty as it may be.
REGINA: And the other thing I love that you said is nailing down your niche and the importance of that. Something I’ve really been focused on in my coaching and teaching is that the niche is the most important thing. If you don’t have a real solid niche, you can’t do anything. Well, you can’t write posts or content for your people; you can’t create things. But we are so resistant to niche down. What do you think? And granted, we’re always here niche down. What was your resistance to the niching? At first?
LEANNE: So I’m looking back now. I realize what if no one hires me? What if no one wants to work with me if I niched down, which is mental? Because there are 7 billion people on this planet? If I niche down? What if nobody wants to work with me? And you’re right, and what ends up happening is, then your content is a mess. It’s all over the place. No one, no one really understands the amount of questions I got from people where they were like, “You’re lovely, but I don’t know what you do.” And I was like, “Me either, babe!” It is so important, but I was incredibly resistant. And I know that a lot of us go through that process. And a lot of it is that fear, but then it narrows down the number of people that I can work with, but babe, that pool is still gigantic. They’re all there’s plenty of room for everybody. And I learned that too. It’s that you think, “Oh my god, but there are so many people in that niche.” It doesn’t matter. There are people that will love you. And there are people that will love that other person, and newsflash? The people that want to work with you will work with you. And that’s all that matters. So yeah, I, I fought against that for a while, too.
REGINA: It’s so funny because I had the same fear. Like, if I niche down too specifically, no one will want to work with me. But guess what, nobody knows what the fuck you do unless you are specific.
LEANNE: I remember I got on, coaching call with one of my coaches. And she’s amazing. And she’s really good at calling you out on your bullshit. And the first thing she said to me was, “I literally don’t know what the fuck you do. I go on your social media, and I don’t know what the fuck you do”. And I and I looked at it initially. I was a little hurt by that comment. And then you look at it and realize, “Nah, she’s got a fair point.” And when you start being very specific, and you start speaking to that person that you’re talking to, it becomes more conversational, it becomes really clear to the person on the other end of that, what you are doing and who you serve, and whether you’re for them or not. And it goes to stuff, like Instagram followers, I used to get offended when I have like three people unfollow me, and now I celebrate that because I’m not that person that they need. And so it’s easier for them and me. And it’s just such a mindset shift that you have to go through as part of this journey. And it is full of very high highs and very low lows. But I just think that it all serves you, and you just grow so quickly in this entrepreneur life. It just is a very different world from what I was certainly used to.
REGINA: Oh my gosh, it’s so true. So you are the productivity Queen. What would you say if you could say what your mission statement is?
LEANNE: Yeah, so literally, my mission statement is to help female entrepreneurs learn to own their time so that they can be doing have it all without the compromise. So what I mean by that is, especially as a mum, you often feel when you have your own business. And I felt this a lot when I was still in my corporate job trying to build my side business, which is where a lot of us start. And I felt I was constantly stealing time either from Bo, my son from Justin, my husband, from my corporate job, from my sleep, you name it, for myself care… I felt there was always a compromise; you know how that feels. You have a weakened forward momentum where your side hustle feels it’s doing really well. But then every other area of your life feels it sucks. And I said there has to be a better way than this. We have to be able to build a business of our dreams, be everything we want to be, have and do everything that we want to do and have everything we want to have without having to feel we’re compromising and living off that masculine energy of “I only need four hours of sleep, entrepreneurs get up at four in the morning.” I just didn’t subscribe to that. That didn’t work for me. And I felt there’s got to be a different way. And that’s really where my company was born out of. Teaching women to be super high impact and spend time on the right things and stop being busy and start being productive. And then you get massive results in half the time.
REGINA: I love that. especially women who are mothers and wives and have a business and the mom who is a mom and working full time and having the side hustle. I talk to women like this all the time. Yeah, I feel like I can never catch up.
LEANNE: Yeah, because the burnout is real. I don’t care who you are. Being a mum is exhausting. And some weeks are easier than others. But as a mum to a two-and-a-half-year-old, I don’t have the time sometimes to wash my hair. After three days, Never mind build a business. So I need the most effective and productive ways to do everything in my business. And that’s where I focused my time. And that is how I built my businesses by focusing on the things that are high impact and forcing myself to do the things that I probably want to resist the most because that is probably the thing that is going to move the needle the most in my business. And that’s what I teach women to do.
REGINA: With what you’re teaching women to do for the moms, who are the women who are listening right now who are feeling that burnout because she’s trying to be everything and do everything. And it’s always feeling behind. What is the very first thing that she can do to start to be a bit more productive in her day?
LEANNE: Yeah. So I talk a lot about this. And I have a free master your morning routine series that I did that’s available on my Instagram. But the biggest thing and the one thing that we always want to do is to do more when actually sometimes you need to do less. So when you’re feeling that level of burnout and you feel overwhelmed, the biggest thing that you need to do is take a step back from being busy and start listening to your intuition and listening to what’s going on inside of you. And for me, a strong morning routine is a really big part of that. And the reason why I created that video series is because a lot of people talk about having a solid morning routine. And sometimes, when you live on social media, you just see these people like, I meditated for an hour this morning. Well, as a mum, I barely have two minutes in the morning to myself to do where I do not have to multitask. So for me, it was about building a morning routine that was as productive as possible. But it also filled up my cup. So that I start the day in this amazing mindset, and in a mindset of productivity and success-driven, rather than just feeling as soon as you open your eyes you all you feel is I’m tired, I’m overwhelmed. I don’t even know where to get started on this to-do list. For me, it’s about getting really, really clear on what your priorities are. And that starts with a really solid morning routine so that you can wake up and attack the day because that morning is where you have the most motivation and the most discipline towards your goals. And if you wait till the afternoon, everything will just continue to get pushed to the next day.
REGINA: I love that. And I live the same way. I have my morning; I master my morning. There are things that I have to do every morning. And even if each thing is just a couple of minutes to get me set centered for the day, I have to do it.
LEANNE: Yeah. And we, as women, we do that too. We have that perfectionism syndrome. Well, if I can’t work out for an hour, I won’t work out at all. But actually, a six-minute workout is better than doing zero. And it’s the same thing that goes for affirmations, visualization, meditation, for me, a three-minute meditation of just focusing on my breath. And doing box breath for three minutes is so powerful for me to do the first thing in the morning and throughout the day when I feel that overwhelm coming. And it’s you can have these habits that are quick and productive, but also high impact, but you don’t lose the impact just because it’s shorter. And that’s a big thing that I’d like to work on with people because we have this whole notion that well, if it’s not this, then I’m just not going to do it. But that’s ridiculous. life rarely goes to plan; we rarely have as much time as we think we’re going to have. So it’s about not compromising by not doing something, just still doing it anyway. So for me, if some mornings Bo wakes up earlier than others, I do my affirmations with him. And we do it in the car on the way to school. Hey, hell, I’m still doing it and also having a positive impact on my tiny human. So it’s just about not compromising on the things that you know help you put you in a good mindset, make you feel good, make you feel productive. You shouldn’t have to steal joy from every area of your life just because you’re busy.
REGINA: Do you have daily non-negotiables for your day that you have to get these in no matter what?
LEANNE: Yes. So for me, that’s working out for 30 minutes. That is really important. I don’t always do that every day; I try and do that four times a week. But exercise is a really easy, quick way for me to turn my mood around. And that’s something that I’ve done for years. My husband is a fitness fanatic. And it really helped yesterday. I didn’t feel like working out. And so he worked out with me. And that was helpful. But the other thing is, for me, a daily visualization is really powerful for me. And I do that right before I go to sleep at night. And the first thing when I wake up in the morning, I just spend the last few minutes before I drift off in the first few minutes of the morning, visualizing myself having already achieved my goals for the next 90 days.
And I do it for the next 90 days. Because sometimes, when we do visualization, that’s three years or five years down the road. Like, oh, visualize yourself, so you’ve got everything you ever wanted, that feels overwhelming. That is a lot, and it feels very far off. But if you’re if your goal is to have a G wagon and live in a $5 million house and you live in a $200,000 house, and you’re driving some crappy old car, it just kind of sometimes can make you feel a bit crap about yourself, and it’s too far in the distance. So for me, I like to focus on 90 days because that’s how I map out my goal. That’s what I visualize. So for me working out visualization and then also practicing gratitude and journaling is a really big one for me. And again, I know the first thing that comes up from people the first objection I hear from the women I work with, “I don’t have time to journal, gratitude gets boring after a while of doing the same three things every single day. Well, I talk about this in my series. But for me, journaling can be five minutes. It doesn’t have to be some big laborious thing. It can just be a quick check-in of how do I feel this morning? How can I make sure I show myself today? Just using those two prompts in itself can help you. And gratitude, I like to just record a quick voice note to somebody that I love. Obviously, all my family is across the pond. And I will send them a quick voice note or a quick video of me and bow in the car. When we get to school, “Morning! We love you; we miss you!” or “We’re so grateful for you. Have an amazing day”. And just those little things helped to put me in a positive mindset. So really, those are my non-negotiables.
REGINA: I love that. And I hear the same thing for women. They’re like, “I’m constantly saying I’m grateful for the same things.” I’m like, “Well, find gratitude for other things.” Sometimes my gratitude seems so silly. Like, I’m grateful for how soft my pillow is. I’m really grateful for how delicious my coffee tastes. Just being in it doesn’t matter what it is, just being in the energy of gratitude.
LEANNE: Exactly. And that’s the problem with gratitude has become another buzzword, and people are like, I’m thankful for my kids, I’m thankful for my husband, I’m thankful for my health, and they start to feel that you lose that emotion behind it. So I encourage my clients to find the emotion. And you’re right. It’s in the little things when you put on an outfit, and you feel good, Say I’m grateful today that I feel fair. I’m loving this feeling and take a moment to relish in the gratitude of that moment. Or if you work out and you felt good that morning, say, “I’m really grateful that I felt badass this morning when I just worked out,” you can express gratitude in so many ways. You just have to get more creative. And for me, adding gratitude with connection, i.e., sending someone a voice note or sending someone a video, makes me feel good. Because not only am I positively impacting my mindset, I’m also positively influencing somebody else’s day. And from an energetic perspective, that just fills up my energy tank. So I love that.
REGINA: Totally. And something else that made me think that from doing the morning gratitude. Like, oh, I’ll just do my gratitude in the morning or my gratitude at night. But it actually, we need to think about how can we extend it into our life.
LEANNE: You’re right. And that’s the thing, a lot of women think, “Okay, well, I’ve watched your videos, and I’ve got all these morning routine tips. But actually, I find that journaling works better for me at night.” And I’m like, “So Queen, do it at night.” whatever works for you. literally whatever works for you is what you should do more of, just because I tell you to do these five things in the morning, if it works for you in the afternoon in the middle of the day in the evening. I don’t care. I just care that you feel productive and high impact. So do you. Like here are the tools and then use them and make them work for your day and how it fits in for you.
REGINA: I love it. It’s so good. Yeah, I agree. Where can people find you? And how can people work with you right now? What offerings do you have?
LEANNE: I just launched my productivity Queen Academy, which I am so proud of. I’m so excited about so the Academy is literally a monthly subscription and is only $20 a month, and I’m not even kidding you when I tell you it won’t stay that price forever because of its obscene value. So you get in there, access to a video vault full of productivity training. So there is there’s everything you need on clarity on how to plan your day on eating the frog; every productivity tip I have is in there. And then, every month, we have a brand-new theme, and I do different video training. I give you audio affirmations, visualizations, manifestations, and meditations. And they’re under 10 minutes, so they’re super easy to fit into your day. You also get the exact high-impact planner that I use as a principal and a monthly guest expert on the theme that we have that month. So this month’s theme is productivity. And next month’s theme is energy, and every single month we attack a different theme just to give you a 360 view of everything. Because ultimately, being productive is related to your self-worth, your self-confidence, your self-care, your energy. Everything is related to how productive you are. And so yeah, we’re going to give your listeners a 50% off code, which Regina, I’m sure, will link in the show notes, but that’s my biggest thing at the moment, and I’m working on some more kind of I coach women one on one, and I’m working on some group options too. So there’s a bunch of ways, but I’m grown up with Leanne on Instagram, so le A and E, so I would love to hear from your listeners on what they found from this interview.
I would love that, and guys, go check out Leanne at @grow.withleanne and also remember in her Instagram she has her mastering your morning that we talked about today, so make sure you go and subscribe for that and get all the goodness. Thank you so much for being a guest I loved having. And if you guys love this episode, please take a screenshot posted in your story. Tag myself and Leanne, and let us know what you loved about it.
Regina Lawrence Esq. is a former trial attorney and law school professor turned soulful business & life strategist. She has found that so many entrepreneurs have these brilliant ideas and dreams but don’t know how to take the dream and create a system or structure to make that dream & idea profitable. That is where Regina comes in. With discipline, consistency, systems & structure, we can’t help but create profit & fulfillment from our soul-driven business ideas.
Regina’s approach to coaching marries her background in legal analysis, spirituality, mindset coaching, holistic nutrition, and neuroscience to create an experience that will assist you in getting into alignment, get clear on what you are here to do and what steps and systems to implement to make that dream a profitable reality.
You can find Regina on Instagram @reginaalawrence
Learn more about the coaching & courses Regina offers at www.reginalawrence.com
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